Do you or someone you know suffer from lower back pain?
... Because 80% of people suffer from it at some point in their life. It is estimated that lower back pain affects more than half of the adult population each year and more than 10% of all people
experience frequent bouts of low back pain.
The lower back is a very unstable part of the spine.
When healthy and functioning correctly the lower back can withstand tremendous forces without injury. However, if it is out of alignment, or has weakened supporting muscles something as simple as
picking up a bag or even bending down can cause low back injury. Back pain probably will not heal on its own. Pain may go away temporarily but it will likely return. Low back pain often requires
chiropractic care.
Causes of Low Back Pain
There are many different conditions that can result in low back pain, including: sprained ligaments, strained muscles, ruptured discs, trigger points and inflamed joints. While watching the results
of sports injuries or accidents sometimes even picking up something that you dropped from the floor can cause low back pain. In addition, arthritis, poor posture, obesity, psychological stress, and
even kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss can lead to pain.
Other common causes include: subluxations
Fortunately, chiropractic treatments for low back pain is usually pretty straightforward. Simple adjustments often take care of the situation.
Chiropractic adjustments for low back pain have been repeatedly shown to be the most effective treatment for low back pain many major studies have shown that chiropractic care is more effective,
cheaper and has better long-term outcomes than any other treatment all other treatments such as aspirin or other pain killers, muscle relaxants or even bed rest only serve to decrease the symptoms of
the problem but do not correct the problem itself.